Tools of the trade

Acquiring all the leather working tools could be an overwhelming process if you don’t know where to start; However, you only really need a few simple tools to…


Well, the semester started slow, but it sure finished rather quick. This course, I feel, is/was a great source for the tools of the future of education. An…


Final class What a way to end the class! We had a good discussion about what the future of education will bring, how it is all going to…


Assistive Technologies Very interesting and important discussion inclusion and the different ways we can help different learners be contributing members of the classroom. We had Tracy Humphreys from…


Distributed Learning When it comes to education, what’s better? face-to-face, online or a combination of the 2? Wa had a really good discussion and presentation on the many…

Tanning done differently: Fez

Here is a very old way people used to and still tan leather in Fez, Morocco. Photo by Linn Legros on Unsplash

The famous saddle stitch

Here is a short instructional video of the quintessential stitch used in leather-working. This stitching style makes projects longer to complete, but also ensures the longevity of your…

Hermès: The making of a leather strap

Here is a walk through of how Hermès makes a leather strap. The video is a little too commercial, but it displays the making of a watch strap…


This is a video of the making of document case by Alfred dunhill. This without a doubt a master at work. attention to detail and the way he…

Scuola del Cuoio

A little tour and history of a place that I love and have had the pleasure of visiting in Firenze. Photo by Jonathan Körner on Unsplash

The one and only: Shell Cordovan

I know most people would not have heard of the name/term Shell Cordovan. This is the “crème de la crème” when it comes to leather. The one thing…